#101, 4341 Savaryn Drive SW Edmonton, Alberta, T6X 2E8 780.413.4521 info@familyfutures.ca
Parent and Caregiver Education programs help caregivers increase their skills and confidence in providing a nurturing environment for their children. Limited child minding is provided for those programs where it is noted in their descriptions.
If you need any additional resources, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 780-413-4521. We have created some online programs, services and support options. These are on each program page, the At-Home Family Fun page, and our YouTube channel.
For caregivers of youth ages 13-18 | This program supports caregivers of pre-teens and teens with difficult behavioural and emotional struggles. Each session provides a new perspective on parent-teen relationships and adolescent development. Caregivers watch role-plays, try exercises and work together to develop new strategies to respond to difficult behaviours. We support caregivers to develop healthy relationships while setting limits.
For caregivers of children and youth birth-18 years | Parenting can be an emotional roller coaster. At times it is full of joy and love and other times it can be scary, frustrating, and overwhelming. Sometimes you may feel anger as a parent—which is normal. But how you express and manage your anger is the key. This program is designed to support caregivers in understanding how anger is affecting their life and identify anger triggers. A variety of anger management strategies are examined, to find healthy ways to express anger, and develop personal self care techniques.
For everyone | What an RESP is, how they work and why they’re a great investment, free money your child could get in their RESP and new government grants for RESPs.
For everyone | This session combines principles from intro to basic banking and intro to basic budgeting and is geared towards youth ages 12 – 17 years of age.
Caregiver with babies birth-1 year | We invite you and your infant to join us to learn about infant massage. Infant massage is incredibly beneficial to both baby and caregiver as it encourages bonding, body-awareness, promotes relaxation and sleep, and so much more. Participants will have the opportunity to slow down and connect with their infant in a calm setting and try their hand at massage. There will also be the chance for discussion and connection with other caregivers who are also parenting an infant.
For mothers of babies ages Birth–1 year | Motherhood is not as easy as it can seem! Whether it is your first or fifth child, the postpartum period can be challenging. If you are experiencing signs of postpartum depression/anxiety, are having a hard time adjusting, or just want to be around other moms going through similar challenges, Managing Motherhood could be a good fit. This program will be co-facilitated by Family Futures Resource Network and Alberta Health Services. We will discuss topics such as relationships, communication, bonding with your baby, self-care, and much more. Coffee, tea, and snacks will be available onsite.
For moms and babies: Birth-1 year | Calling all new moms with babies aged birth to 12 months! Dive into essential topics for parenthood with our expert-led program. Explore infant massage, postpartum changes, starting solids, car seat safety, pelvic floor wellness, and more. Best of all, it’s entirely FREE, with coffee, tea, and snacks provided. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect and learn in a welcoming environment designed just for you!
Parents and their children age birth-5 years | The foundation for a healthy brain is “built” during the first 2000 days of a child’s life. Caregivers are invited to explore how relationships, play and everyday positive experiences impact a child’s development. This informal conversation café brings people together to share experiences, local resources, and the newest research about the early years. Please bring a blanket to place your baby on during the program.
For caregivers of children ages 2–18 years | Positive Discipline teaches important social and life skills in a manner that is deeply respectful and encouraging for both children and adults. This approach works from the premise that the key to positive discipline is not punishment, but mutual respect. Come discover concrete tools to support learning in a variety of areas such as bridge communication gaps, defuse power struggles, enforce the message of love, build on strengths – not weaknesses, win cooperation at home, and meet the special challenge of teenage misbehavior.
For parents of children ages 2-18 years | Positive Indigenous Parenting prepares Indigenous parents to use a culturally specific approach within family raising dynamics. The materials presented during these 4 sessions draw on the strengths of historic First Nations child-rearing practices, traditional values with contemporary skills using teaching through stories, cradleboards, focusing on the importance of maintaining harmony in everyday relationships, lessons in nature, everyday discipline values interwoven with skill development, and continually modelling the use of praise. Join us for family relationship building. These sessions are being offered by the Red Road Indigenous West Pte Oyate, in partnership with Family Futures Resource Network. A light lunch and refreshments will be provided. Limited child minding will be available for children 13 months and older. Please call 780-413-4521 to arrange this.
For parents of children ages Birth–12 years |
TRIPLE P 正向亲子教育讲座/Triple P Parenting Program
Triple P
正向亲子教育课程是世界上最有效的基于实例的育儿课程之一,已经进行了超过35年的持续研究。课程为0-12岁孩子家长设立,能有效预防和处理儿童的行为情绪问题,提供简单实用的策略,帮助亲子之间建立坚实,健康的关系/Triple P Positive Parenting Program is one of the world’s most effective evidence-based parenting programs, backed by over 35 years of continuous research. The program is designed for parents of children aged 0-12 and is proven to effectively prevent and manage behavioral and emotional issues in children. It offers simple, practical strategies to help build strong, healthy parent-child relationships.
日期和时间/Dates and Time: 2月5,6,12,13日,晚上7点至9点/February 5th, 6th, 12th, and 13th, 7pm-9pm
讲座方式/Method: 4次线上Zoom讲座,4次电话回访/ four times online sessions and four times telephone calls
讲师/Educator: Christine Zhou-ASSIST Community Services Centre/ASSIST华人社区服务中心
语言/Language: 中文/Mandarin
Family Futures Resource Network provides information, education and support to individuals, parents and families. We are the only family resource centre in south Edmonton, that offers this range of services and programs. We are a network of programming sites embedded within the communities we serve.
#101, 4341 Savaryn Drive SW Edmonton, Alberta T6X 2E8
Office Hours
Monday to Friday
© Copyright 2020, Family Futures Resource Network. All Rights Reserved.