#101, 4341 Savaryn Drive SW Edmonton, Alberta, T6X 2E8 780.413.4521 info@familyfutures.ca

Parent & Caregiver Education

Parent and Caregiver Education programs help caregivers increase their skills and confidence in providing a nurturing environment for their children. Limited child minding is provided for those programs where it is noted in their descriptions.

All Ages

If you need any additional resources, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 780-413-4521. We have created some online programs, services and support options. These are on each program page, the At-Home Family Fun page, and our YouTube channel.


Circle of Security – Zoom

For caregivers of children ages Birth–5 years | Do you ever feel you do not understand why your child is behaving in a challenging way and you are unsure of what to do? The Circle of Security Parenting Program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. This program will teach caregivers how to better understand their child’s emotional needs and to learn how best to manage difficult emotions.


September 12, 2024 - October 31, 2024



For caregivers of youth ages 13-18 | This program supports caregivers of pre-teens and teens with difficult behavioural and emotional struggles.  Each session provides a new perspective on parent-teen relationships and adolescent development.  Caregivers watch role-plays, try exercises and work together to develop new strategies to respond to difficult behaviours. We support caregivers to develop healthy relationships while setting limits.


October 8, 2024 - December 10, 2024



For caregivers of children and youth birth-18 years | Parenting can be an emotional roller coaster. At times it is full of joy and love and other times it can be scary, frustrating, and overwhelming. Sometimes you may feel anger as a parent—which is normal. But how you express and manage your anger is the key. This program is designed to support caregivers in understanding how anger is affecting their life and identify anger triggers. A variety of anger management strategies are examined, to find healthy ways to express anger, and develop personal self care techniques.


October 21, 2024 - December 2, 2024


Each One. Teach One – Credit Cards & Prepaid Cards

For everyone | Each One, Teach One award-winning workshops provide financial education to community members and help build their knowledge, skills and confidence to make the right financial decisions for themselves. All sessions are free and facilitated by trained professionals from local financial institutions. These workshops are offered in partnership with United Way Financial Pathways Collaborative.


– How to get most from your credit card

– The difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ prepaid cards

– How to figure out the real cost of using credit


October 22, 2024


Each One. Teach One – RRSPs & Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA)

For everyone | Each One, Teach One award-winning workshops provide financial education to community members and help build their knowledge, skills and confidence to make the right financial decisions for themselves. All sessions are free and facilitated by trained professionals from local financial institutions. These workshops are offered in partnership with United Way Financial Pathways Collaborative.


– The benefits of using RRSPs and TFSAs
– How to decide whether to invest in an RRSP, a TFSA or both
– About the different kinds of RRSP and TFSA products


November 26, 2024


Handle with Care

For caregivers of children ages Birth–6 years | Supporting your child’s social-emotional development when they are young is one of the best investments you can make in their future. Skills such as the ability to manage emotions, build positive self-esteem, express emotions, and develop healthy relationships, do not come naturally and need to be taught. In this interactive program, you will learn easy and simple ways to promote positive social emotional development using basic strategies and everyday interactions.


November 6, 2024 - November 27, 2024


Infant Massage

Caregiver with babies birth-1 year | We invite you and your infant to join us to learn about infant massage. Infant massage is incredibly beneficial to both baby and caregiver as it encourages bonding, body-awareness, promotes relaxation and sleep, and so much more. Participants will have the opportunity to slow down and connect with their infant in a calm setting and try their hand at massage. There will also be the chance for discussion and connection with other caregivers who are also parenting an infant.



November 5, 2024 - November 26, 2024


Kids Have Stress Too!-Zoom

For parents of children ages 2–6 years | All children will experience stress and anxiety at times throughout their lives.  The Kids Have Stress Too program developed by the Psychology Foundation of Canada is designed to give caregivers the tools they need to understand children’s stress and promote the development of effective stress management skills and resiliency from a young age. Participants will leave this program with practical child-friendly stress management strategies that can be introduced immediately to positively impact children’s social and emotional development.


August 13, 2024 - August 20, 2024


Let’s Talk Teens

For caregivers of children age 13-18 years | Have you ever wondered why your teen makes certain choices or behaves a certain way? Come join us to learn about the adolescent brain and how to best support your teen through these important developmental years.


September 18, 2024 - September 25, 2024


Managing Motherhood

For mothers of babies ages Birth–1 year | Motherhood is not as easy as it can seem! Whether it is your first or fifth child, the postpartum period can be challenging.  If you are experiencing signs of postpartum depression/anxiety, are having a hard time adjusting, or just want to be around other moms going through similar challenges, Managing Motherhood could be a good fit. This program will be co-facilitated by Family Futures Resource Network and Alberta Health Services. We will discuss topics such as relationships, communication, bonding with your baby, self-care, and much more.  Coffee, tea, and snacks will be available onsite.



September 12, 2024 - November 7, 2024


New Moms’ Connect

For moms and babies: Birth-1 year | This casual group is an opportunity for new moms with their babies in tow, to meet other new moms in a comfortable setting. Enjoy facilitated conversation about a variety of topics relating to the experience of being a new mother.



September 11, 2024 - October 30, 2024


Parent Café, The Early Years

Parents and their children age birth-5 years | The foundation for a healthy brain is “built” during the first 2000 days of a child’s life. Caregivers are invited to explore how relationships, play and everyday positive experiences impact a child’s development. This informal conversation café brings people together to share experiences, local resources, and the newest research about the early years. Please bring a blanket to place your baby on during the program.



July 11, 2024 - August 1, 2024


Positive Indigenous Parenting

For parents of children ages 2-18 years | Positive Indigenous Parenting prepares Indigenous parents to use a culturally specific approach within family raising dynamics. The materials presented during these 4 sessions draw on the strengths of historic First Nations child-rearing practices, traditional values with contemporary skills using teaching through stories, cradleboards, focusing on the importance of maintaining harmony in everyday relationships, lessons in nature, everyday discipline values interwoven with skill development, and continually modelling the use of praise. Join us for family relationship building. These sessions are being offered by the Red Road Indigenous West Pte Oyate, in partnership with Family Futures Resource Network. A light lunch and refreshments will be provided. Limited child minding will be available for children 13 months and older. Please call 780-413-4521 to arrange this.


October 8, 2024 - July 22, 2024


Super Dads Super Kids

For male caregivers and children ages 4–10 years | Calling all dad’s and male caregivers! Super Dads Super Kids is an interactive, play-based program for male caregivers and the children they are raising. Child development, communication, emotional health, positive discipline, activity and nutrition and work-life balance are explored. In addition to this, we’ll have fun play stations set up so that you and your child can spend some quality time enjoying each other’s company through play! Come to as many sessions as you are able.


November 23, 2024 - December 14, 2024


Triple P Discussion Groups: Hassle-Free Shopping with Children

For parents of children ages Birth–12 years | This workshop will use shopping trips as an example of one of the most common times parents have to deal with difficult behavior in public. It allows parents to discuss the kinds of problems they have faced and introduces some parent traps and reason why children misbehave on shopping trips. Positive parenting strategies are discussed as step-by-step suggestions about preventing problems and teaching children how to behave on shopping trips and managing any problems that may happen while shopping and in other community settings.


July 29, 2024


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