#101, 4341 Savaryn Drive SW Edmonton, Alberta, T6X 2E8 780.413.4521 info@familyfutures.ca


Family Futures Resource Network

Family Futures Resource Network is a community-based non-profit organization whose mission is to educate, support and build on the strengths of families. With over 30 years of experience, the agency provides prevention and early intervention programs and services. The programs and services support children 0–18 years of age and their caregivers. We work with families from diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Services offered are strength-based, with a focus on child development, parent education, family support, community connections, and home visitation. In addition, the agency is a network of sites embedded within the Edmonton community.


Programs and services are designed to support children, youth, and families to maintain and enhance natural supports and community connections. The agency offers timeless evidence-based programs while continuously developing new, innovative programs and services. Above all, the agency remains responsive to the ever-changing and increasingly complex needs of children, youth, and families.

The core areas of programming are:

The objectives are to:

• Support parents in their role as their children’s first and most influential teachers.

• Accordingly, link parenting programs and services through a province-wide network that promotes excellence.

• Facilitate the sharing of resources.

• Also, foster the creation of partnerships.

Programs are offered at no and low cost to participants.

The New Family Resource Network Model

Family Futures Resource Network has been selected as the Hub for Southwest and Southeast Edmonton under the provincial government’s new Family Resource Network model. In addition, the agency has also been selected to provide additional Home Visitation services in West Edmonton. We will also be working with other local agencies to provide programs and services to the residents of Edmonton to build a strong community. 

Therefore, Family Futures Resource Network will deliver prevention and early intervention services and supports through a provincial network of community-based service providers.

Supports and services will focus on strengthening parenting and caregiving knowledge; social support; coping and problem-solving skills; access to other community supports and resources; improving child and youth development; building resiliency, and lastly fostering well-being. For instance, examples may include in-home visitation, parenting support and coaching, child and youth programs, and early childhood development programs focusing on early literacy and play. As Alberta faces both a pandemic and an economic crisis, support to families is critical.

Quick Facts

• In March 2019, Children’s Services released Well-being and Resiliency: A Framework for Supporting Safe and Healthy Children and Families. To summarize, the framework provides a road map to enhancing, strengthening, and promoting a consistent, province-wide approach to prevention and early intervention services and supports for Alberta’s children, youth, and families.

• Later in November 2019, the Ministry of Children’s Services invited prevention and early intervention service providers across the province to submit proposals for the delivery of services through a formal expression of interest.

• Alberta had more than 400 proposals submitted.

• Then the proposals were assessed based on organizational capacity, partnerships and collaboration, service delivery plans, proposed budget, and alignment to the Well-Being and Resiliency Framework and the miyo resource – which are based on leading brain science and cultural connection practice.

• After that, the realignment of prevention and early intervention contracts and grants transformed into a family resource program model to align with the Government of Alberta’s Well-Being and Resiliency Framework and other resources. Furthermore reducing redundancies and targeting supports will save $15 million in 2020-21.

Now, more than ever, we need to make sure that children and their families have targeted supports that promote child safety, well-being, and development. Our new Family Resource Networks will provide programs, services, and supports to build stronger, more resilient families and communities across the province.

Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Children’s Services

Family Futures Resource Network Spokes

We are proud to announce our partners as designated spokes within the new Family Resource Network.

family resource centre
The Family Centre
multicultural health brokers resource network
Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative
Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters (BGCBigs)
red road healing society resource network
The Red Road Healing Society
ASSIST Community Services Centre

Land Acknowledgement

We are gathered here on Amiskwaciwâskahikan (ᐊᒥᐢᑲᐧᒋᐋᐧᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ) or Beaver Hills House, traditional Treaty 6 territory of First Nations and the Metis Nation of Alberta. We respectfully acknowledge and thank the diverse indigenous people whose ancestors’ footsteps have marked this land for centuries, including the Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Nakota, Blackfoot, as well as the Metis and Inuit. This land is and has been a welcoming place for all people who come to Edmonton and call it home. It is a place built for community, trade, friendship, and shared understanding. Together we call upon all of our collective honoured traditions and ancestors to help us work together in the spirit of community and understanding, today and onwards.


Family Futures Resource Network What We Do

Families face many challenges and stressors in everyday life. Family Futures Resource Network offers strength-based programs and services in a safe and welcoming environment to help families thrive and grow.

Our programs and services are preventative and supportive providing opportunities for families to respond to challenges as they arise.

Our Vision:

Stronger families for a better future.

Our Mission:

Family Futures Resource Network builds on the strengths of individuals and families through connection, support and education to create a better future.

Our Purpose:

Empowering Families. Changing Lives.


Our Core Values

Relationships: We foster a sense of belonging and honesty that promotes a culture of caring, kindness and hope.
Commitment: We are committed to enriching the lives of all individuals, families and the community.
Integrity: We conduct our business in an honest, transparent manner and are guided by high standards of conduct and moral behaviour.
Accountability: We are accountable for the effective management and stewardship of the organization and its resources in a transparent and responsible manner.
Well Being: We believe that individuals and families deserve to be safe, secure and healthy.


View some great testimonials from various parents What Parents Are Saying

The most significant learning gaining by attending all of these programs has been the importance of quality interaction/play with my daughter. FFRN introduced and supported incredible educational, sensory, and child development topics in an affordable, creative and engaging setting. As a result, I feel more confident in providing my daughter with patient, sensitive, and age appropriate learning at home. Her cognitive and social development has been described as very advanced by our doctor, this is a direct correlation of the quality programs offered by FFRN.


My daughter was very shy and uncomfortable around other people and children. We have been coming to family futures programs twice a week since September and she has definitely came out of her shell. She now socializes with other children her age and also with the program co-ordinators. I have also been able to use some of the songs and rhymes at home to help with my daughters day to day activities.


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