#101, 4341 Savaryn Drive SW Edmonton, Alberta, T6X 2E8 780.413.4521 info@familyfutures.ca

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Date: November 12 - December 17


Diaper & Formula Drive

Help us support families in need this holiday season! From November 12 to December 17, Family Futures Resource Network will be collecting diapers and baby formula to assist local families in providing essential care for their little ones. Your donations will make a meaningful impact on families facing financial hardship.

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Ages: For male caregivers and children ages: 4–10 years
Date: Saturday November 30, 2024 - December 14, 2024


Super Dads Super Kids

Calling all dad’s and male caregivers! Super Dads Super Kids is an interactive, play-based program for male caregivers and the children they are raising. Child development, communication, emotional health, positive discipline, activity and nutrition and work-life balance are explored.

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Our Collective Impact

Empowering Families. Changing Lives.

Over 5000+

Families have used our programs.


Programs & services offered.


Years in operation.

Our Mission

Family Futures Resource Network builds on the strengths of individuals and families through connection, support and education to create a better future.

Our Vision

Stronger families for a better future.

View some great testimonials from various parents What Parents Are Saying

I started with bringing my son to playgroups for a couple of years and then now began bringing his younger brother too. Learning about the wealth of programs available and having a place for the kids to socialize with other children their age.  I have also have learned more age appropriate games/activities for the kids. Interacting with other kids his age has really helped my son and his speech and communication. His language skills have improved and he loves socializing. It’s wonderful to have playgroups he looks forward to them all week.


My daughter learns best from others (aka “not mom”). She enjoyed all the mindfulness activities. The most significant learning for her was the reinforcement of deep breathing with the Hoberman sphere and blowing out finger candles when she is experiencing big feelings.  These are things I have been encouraging her to try but now that I can remind her that she told Sophia, the program facilitator, that she will practice blowing out candles, she is much more likely to actually use the skill to find her calm. My daughter has been fairly socially isolated over the last year due to the covid pandemic. It was impactful for her to hear that the other participants in her class experience similar feelings in similar situations.


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